During the night of the 23rd March 2022 Little Angels experienced a fire. The fire had spread from a nearby home, destroying several homes and taking a neighbours life before it reached Little Angels. The fire completely destroyed one classroom and severely damaged the other two classrooms and bathroom. Fortunately Principal Sellina Mandyera and her family remained safe and firefighters from the City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue services were able to save the part of the structure in which they lived.

Renovating and Rebuilding

Following the fire various renovation and rebuild options were investigated but in the interim temporary repairs were done by Principal Sellina to ensure the pre-school could continue running.

Unfortunately the damage is extensive and several structural elements need to be completely replaced. Space is very limited on the property and it has zoning challenges which prevent it from having a full brick and mortar rebuild.

We thus propose to do a large-scale renovation of the existing informal structure with a focus making it more weather proof while reducing its vulnerability to fire, improving natural light and ventilation, and generally improving health and safety.

One classroom will be rebuilt, two will be extensively renovated, a new child friendly bathroom will be fitted and a vibracrete wall will be installed (to improve security and fire safety). New flooring will also be installed.


Die aktion weltkinderhilfe hat Little Angels für den Wiederaufbau mit 6.500 Euro unterstützt.