Little Angels Educare

Attention: Aktion Weltkinderhilfe
16 January 2023

To everyone at Aktion Weltkinderhilfe.
I hope this message finds you well.
By the Lord’s grace we are fine .
We really appreciate the support you are giving to us and I am really happy
To tell you I finished my Level 5 teacher qualification last year and my 2 teachers have finished their level 4.
My goals this year is to have the other teacher to help us as we plan to add an extra class. Last year we had 33 children and now we wish to support more children learning with us. We still have a shortfall of R6000 which we plan to use to help pay our teacher salaries. Any support you can provide towards this deficit will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks on behalf of the Little Angels team!

Sellina Mandyera
Little Angels Educare Principal