Im März diesen Jahres gab es einen fürchterlichen Brand bei Little Angels, wobei fast alle Räumlichkeiten vernichtet wurden. Die aktion weltkinderhilfe hat den Wiederaufbau mit 6.500 Euro unterstützt. Peter Hagen berichtet über den Fortschritt der Renovierungsarbeiten:
I just wanted to share a little bit of news regarding Little Angels progress, in mid June we started renovating and rebuilding the facility.
Despite a few site related and weather challenges (heavy winter rain) the work is going well and the structure is starting to feel more like a building now. In the first week of project the site was cleared and the vibracrete posts then panels installed. Last week the classroom floor was laid as well as the installation of the windows and the roof. This week will hopefully be the final week of work with classroom interiors being clad and completed, bathroom being finished, eaves and gutters being installed and driveway/internal playground area being paved. The photos attached show the site work proceeding.
I look forward to sharing more photos with you soon as it is finished.
Thank you again for your support for this project!
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